Now is the time to get registered for Camp this summer. Check out the links below for the camps that New Hope is sending kids to this summer, along with special instructions for each camp.

Camp Barakel
Visit Camp Barakel's site for camp dates by age & to register!
When you register, a $50 deposit* is due at the time of registration to secure your students spot. Please forward your students registration confirmation to Michell Bettega here. This will allow New Hope Church to finalize payment for your student.
The Springs
Visit The Springs site for camp dates by age & to register!
Registration instructions:
When you register, enter summer24 (all lowercase) in the transfer code area of the registration form. The camp office will bill New Hope for the camper.

Lake Louise Holy Ground
Dates: June 23rd - June 29th, 2024.
Registration instructions:
When you register, a $50 deposit* is due at the time of registration to secure your students spot. Enter "New Hope" as the church your camper is affiliated with. This will indicate to the camp office that they are sponsored by New Hope Church and will bill us for the amount due. Please have your students immunization information available when you do their registration. This needs to be completed before the campers registration can be completed. You will receive an email confirming your student is registered.
Camp Cedar Ridge
Visit Camp Cedar Ridge' website for camp dates by age & to register!
Registration instructions:
When you register, enter Hope2024, under the 'Send A Child To Camp' area of the registration form. The camp office will bill New Hope for the camper.
Cell: 989-820-8080

*If the cost of the deposit prohibits your from registering your student, please contact Michell Bettega. Cell: 989-820-8080
Interested in Sponsoring a Camper?
Would you like to help kids in our community get to camp? We've heard so many stories of how camp provides an opportunity for a closer relationship to God, learning, growth and life-changing experiences for our young people. There is no doubt that your generosity is greatly appreciated and will mean the world to a boy or girl from our community.
Go to this secure page and select "Camp Fund" from the drop down box to make your donation. Our campers and our community thank you!
Camp Ministry Team:
If you have any questions, contact the church office or Michell Bettega.
Office: 989-984-5400 | Michell: 989-820-8080 | camp@nhchurch.cc