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Small Groups

Church services on Sunday is a fantastic time for us to worship God and grow together as a church family. But there are other ways to grow in our faith and spiritual maturity. Joining a small group gives us all an opportunity to gather regularly with a few other believers to grow in Christ by:


  • Sharing each other’s hurts and triumphs

  • Praying for each other

  • Knowing each another

  • Being accountable to each other

  • Encouraging each other


Each fall, New Hope organizes small groups around a four to six week Bible-based study. Many of these groups continue on beyond their origins, meeting weekly to continue the lessons and friendships from their initial fall meetings. If you want to join a small group, we encourage you to talk to the welcome team on Sundays, write a note on your Let’s Connect card, or email us. We hope you decide to join us in a small group.


“Let us think of one another and how we can encourage each other to love and do good deeds.” ~ Hebrews 10:24

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